
26 June 2012



दिशांचे कल्लोळ...
अंगी लेऊन...
रात्र-रात्र विस्कटते...

अस्वस्थतेची लय...
अंगी भिनवून...
ऐल-पैल कसमसते...

जन्मजपल्या संवेदना...
खोल रुजवून...
शब्द-शब्द विरते...

जगण्याच्या गर्ता....
पापण्यांत माळून..
झंबळ-झंबळ झिंगते...

डोळे मिटून...
आभाळाची फूलपाखरं...

मी झेलते ..!


23 June 2012

Tides of curb…

Tides of curb…
Are going to swallow my feet…
But I know seas very well…
They will drift my dreams…
They will drift my thoughts,
With the foam to the sands….
To the same unknown lands….

                       ----- chaitali.

18 June 2012

No wonder …

No wonder …
I was in the midst of a dream…
Which had a golden rim….
I found some rainy clouds…..
And two horizons….
 Which are holding a rainbow…
In its arch….
It had auroras ….
It had stars, moons…
Earths in a row…
And for my surprise…
It had shiny suns…
Not scorching though….!

                 …… chaitali.